Making your own decorative pots out of concrete or buying them in larger sizes and quantities can get ridiculously expensive. Sure it's 'prettier', but if you're anything like me and just simply need a place to grow extra plants like winter squash or cabbage you can re-purpose old plastic baskets and trashcans or buy some at your local dollar store.
Choose anything from laundry hampers to dorm room basket organizers or trashcans. If you have old baskets that you plan on up-cycling you can spray paint them to refresh or change the color, just be sure to use outdoor spray paint.
If you will be growing food inside I highly recommend lining the basket with burlap. which you can find at your local garden center or art store for $1 or less. Or you could purchase burlap by the yard at your local fabric shop. I found these old coffee burlap sacs at my local big box art supply store for $1 and used a 50% off coupon!
If you will be using buckets or trashcans, it will be necessary to drill several holes in the bottom of the can or bucket for drainage otherwise your plants will be drowned! That's It! Simply add organic potting mix or compost and start planting your seeds and transplanting your seedlings.
I transplanted some winter squash seedlings I had started indoors and now the vines are taking over my deck and railing! With these large planters you can not only save space but CREATE space to grow where there was none before. Decks, patios, sidewalks, or paved yards are no longer off limits for growing your own food or beautiful flowers and herbs and now it's even more affordable! You'll have a mini farm growing in no time even on a mini budget!